Monday, February 3, 2014

You can choose to deathcare or lifecare, but there is no Healthcare apart from God's Divine Life

You can choose to deathcare or lifecare, but there is no Healthcare apart from God's Divine Life
Why is America acting as if they are in desperate need of the world’s way of healing, which is no healing at all, when they could have ME - Jehovah Rapha. I AM healing. To empty every hospital in the nation would not drain Me one bit! 
My people are called to be extensions of Me. They are to bring healing, at all levels, including physical healing to their community and neighbors. They are to believe Me. They are to extend ME to others. My healing to them. By not doing this, they are failing to glorify Me. Understand, if you will not glorify Me and walk if faith, you are useless and may as well not even be given the opportunity of time on Earth any longer. 

Do you actually want systems of deathcare to sweep over this nation? Don’t be swallowed by darkness, rather swallow up death and disease in My light. Wake up and realize you have been tricked into false dependance. Repent of this rebellion so that I can flow My blessing through to you to others. Repent of your smallness, faithlessness, deception and fruitlessness. My life and power is available to those who Believe.

Your healthcare system is an utter mess because it is not based in Me. I could give insight into the proper cures without side effects. I could send my children, as I Myself did, to heal entire towns in a single day. But My children refuse to believe. You have bought into the lie that I no longer do the miraculous. As a direct result, you enjoy the least miracles of any nation on Earth. This makes My heart so sad. It was not to be this way. You were to lift Me up and let Me Shine to the nations. I urge you to USE the time you have left to uphold My Name in Faith and return to My calling for this nation. 

I and I alone can make you glorious if you will only hear and obey. Speak My Words of divine healing over any and all you encounter. Get Me into You. Then put Me into them. Don’t you even trust Me to Honor My Own Name????????

You are only suffering needlessly under the absence of My Kingdom’s restoration because you will not act as My heart is telling You, Americans. Grow new ears to hear how Good, Wonderful and Amazing I AM!

Did I not say that I have borne your sickness and infirmity with Me to the Cross, along with everything else wrong with you and this world? You are sick and a mess, America, because You refuse to believe Me. This will only worsen without Me. There simply is no life and healing apart from Me. Outside of Me is only decay and destruction.

Here you are, under OPPRESSION because of unbelief, greed and lies. Get this through your head, deaf America, I AM life. I AM healing. Your vitality is drained. Your finances are drained through a medical system that is complicated and burdensome. 

And still you refuse to let My Divine Life and Power into you, to be channels of blessing, wherever you go. This is so sad for you, America. WIll you not Be My Life and Light? Don’t you want to enjoy My healing, abundance and blessing?

The very healing I want to bring is attacked and corrupted, but come WITH Me in the victory I have already accomplished and reverse this corruption.

How do you do this? First, you must acknowledge that you have cooperated with lies - with unbelief. Lies that I no longer heal. Lies that you need a man-made system of healthcare. Lies that you need the latest medical technology. The government cannot heal you. You, not them, are called to be my ministers of real solutions. Don’t you believe that My Kingdom is a Kingdom of solutions? I AM innovation. I AM solutions. I AM a massive fountain gushing with breakthroughs. It is not that technology is bad, but that you DEPEND on an insufficient source - on man, on science, on human understand, on institutions. 

The core of this nation's present bondage is that you do not depend on Me and have been SUCKERED into the mire to depending on man and man’s false solutions and oppressive institutions. Until you return your moment-by-moment dependance to Me, I will allow your false dependancies to harass you mercilessly, as a motivation to turn back to Me. I call you to choose: spreading death through man’s pathetic attempts to solve his own problems, or turn to Me, the architect, designer and author of Life. 

I AM your life in every way, both here on Earth, and into Eternity. Don’t be suckered into suffering under the thorns of infirmities. My Life is more Powerful and Active than all the assaults on your bodies. I AM the miraculous. I came to Restore and Heal. Take up My mission and cause into the Earth. I AM just as miraculous right now as I ever was.

Repent of cooperating with my enemy and believing the lies of his false kingdom! Cast off Your unbelief. I have massive untapped storehouses of healing and blessing that go UNUSED - wasted because my children are not obeying Me to tap into them and take what is of Heaven and do My will upon the Earth. Stop blocking Me. Stop wasting ME. Call upon Me in naked Faith. Humble yourselves so I can lift you up in me.

Get Up and Walk in Me. Go forth as My ministers of Healing. Go forth in My Name. Believe and act. Break your agreements with false sources. Cast off broken dependancies. Rise Up in Me. Anyone can do this because anyone can Believe. Believe in Me. 

Extend healing through My Name. I AM the miraculous. Show my miracles to this world that many may also believe. Extend Me into Your world in every aspect. You have not because you believe not and ask not. Strengthen your faith. Herein is Joy in Me. Ask in Faith in Who I AM.

God's Word To America: 2/3/2014.