Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Get the Best LinkedIn Profile Photo in Dallas - Avoid these Mistakes

Your LinkedIn profile is a vital tool for today's career opportunities and networking. The first impression of you as a businessperson comes from... your profile photo.

From a navy marketing perspective, we would call this "visual marketing communications" -- meaning that your photo "speaks" - it "tells" people about you in a visual way. Your profile photo reflects your personality and gives others insight into who you are. 

Those who might hire you or reach out to use your services are looking for your photo to "say" something - to tell them how confident you are, what level of standards you hold yourself to, are you professional, are you competent. And so forth. When your business headshot in Dallas on LinkedIn is done right - it encourages a high level of TRUST and likability. Those are the keys to income and opportunity.

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas
Professional Dallas business heashots for LinkedIn done right

Those are the keys making lots of money from your LinkedIn profile photo. To ensure your LinkedIn photo makes a truly positive impact, avoid these 6, all too common, career-sabotaging photo mistakes:

Mistake 1: Outdated Photo

If someone wouldn’t recognize you based on your LinkedIn picture, it’s time for an update. Significant changes in your appearance, like a new hairstyle or weight loss, warrant a fresh headshot. Keep your image current to accurately reflect who you are. Otherwise you set yourself up to be rejected because people will distrust you!

Professional Dallas headshot photographer near me

Mistake 2: Distracting Backgrounds

Avoid photos with backgrounds that draw attention away from your face. The face is the focus! That should go without saying, but I see this simple principle violated all the time on LinkedIn. Busy or outdated backdrops can harm your professional image. Instead, choose clean, simple backgrounds that keep the focus on you.

Professional Dallas Headshot Photographer Local Near me
Headshots in Dallas For Executives and Professionals

Mistake 3: Unprofessional Attire

While it’s great to express your personality, maintaining a professional appearance is essential. Look at your current photo and ask if it would appeal to a potential client or employer. As I said above, your photo communicated the level of professionalism people can expect from you. If your photo is lackluster or sloppy looking, you're literally burning money and causing your best opportunities to shun you, so update your headshot ASAP.

Mistake 4: Lack of Personality

Your profile picture should convey a bit of your personality while still looking professional. An overly stiff or formal image can make you blend in. Aim for a headshot that showcases your character and sets you apart. We want to take profile photos of you that are vibrant and proactive feeling! A prospective employer or associate wants to see you as dynamic and poised to deliver strong results.

Mistake 5: Poor-Quality Profile Photo

Steer clear of low-quality images that look grainy or unprofessional. Avoid like the PLAGUE, for it is indeed a plague on your career to do that! There's no excuse. If your photo was taken on a smartphone and lacks clarity, consider investing in a professional headshot session. I see all the time: poor lighting, lack of strong jawline, fat necks, and unflattering poses.

Mistake 6: No retouching or Cheesy Photo Retouching

Building on the above "poor quality" mistake, is poor retouching or not retouching. The reality is that you need truly professional retouching - the teeth a BIT better, the wrinkles a BIT less, etc. Here's one close up on the face on one business headshot I took. We have wrinkle reduction, shine reduction, eye opening and eye symmetry, and eye white brightening. This medical businesswoman's headshot was retouching to make her wide face a BIT less wide. And so forth.

Headshots in Dallas for business professionals with Retouching
Truly professional headshot retouching is worth its weight in gold!

To retouch a headshot RIGHT is quite tedious; we're not just slapping on some phone filers that make you look cheesy and plastic. We're spending an hour and using at least 3 different software packages, of which Photoshop is used as 1 of the 3. So get the most out of your LinkedIn profile by selecting a Dallas headshot photographer (such as myself) that includes truly professional level (magazine quality) photo retouching. Otherwise you are selling yourself, and your results short.

By avoiding these LinkedIn profile photo pitfalls, you can create an image that captures attention and communicates your unique personal brand. A strong visual presence on LinkedIn enhances your chances of making lasting impressions on potential connections, clients, and employers. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so make yours count! Your headshot is a GATEKEEPER to doing business with you, which makes the right headshot is potential treasure trove of great business deals.


If you’re looking for a new headshot that truly reflects your professional image, we’re here to help. Elevate your opportunities and income! Contact today to schedule a photo that will make your LinkedIn profile radiate success. Don’t miss the chance to present yourself in the best light possible!

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